Class Descriptions
Yoga East offers yoga classes for all levels.
Our studio is inviting, relaxing and easy-to-find in downtown Cape Girardeau.
Below you'll find a list of classes that are either currently being offered or have been offered in the past.
You will find a class and time that is right for you!
Gentle Yoga
This beginner friendly yoga class is good for anyone wanting a slower flow, prenatal, or stress reduction. Basic postures and pranayama (breathing) are accompanied by a mindful eye of our skilled teaching staff and one-on-one assistance. New students welcome!
Yoga Therapeutics
Yoga postures and practices tailored to your specific needs, good for anyone with limitations, injuries or restrictions. Offered in both private and class format.
We also offer Private Yoga Classes for those wanting individual instruction.
Hatha Yoga Flow
This intermediate yoga class is good for all students who are active and healthy. Static postures linked carefully together with mindful movement for stretch and strength. The Saturday class offers a 15 minute Dharma talk to incorporate philosophy and lifestyle into everyday practice.
All Access Yoga!
This beginner friendly class offers a body positive atmosphere where students will learn how to use props, modifications, and self-compassion to make poses more accessible in the body they have now! This class is suitable for students of all shapes, sizes, and ability levels. Come join the fun!
Morning Breathwork
This class is an exploration of how breath regulation can help guide our movements and lead us to become more mindful of our bodies and our minds. We will practice several types of pranayama, or yogic breathing techniques; some energizing, and some calming. These practices will help us transform our awareness of how and why we breathe the way we do, and over time will help deepen our yoga and meditation practices.
Yin Yoga*
Yin yoga moves past the stretch of muscles into the soft tissue for a steady deep stretch with focused relaxation. This is a slow, floor-based practice focusing on the meridians of the body, the organs, as well as incorporating bandhas and pranayama. This class is recommended for those who have some previous yoga experience.
*Warm Yin is also available in the Hot Box @ YE - the room is heated to 80+ degrees for a
cleansing experience.
Vin/Yin Yoga*
This intermediate class combines the powerful practice of mindful movement (vinyasa flow) with yin (static and deep stretch) postures to restore and rejuvenate.
*Warm Vin/Yin is also available in the Hot Box @ YE - the room is heated to 80+ degrees for a
cleansing experience.
Hot Vinyasa Flow*
This intermediate class offers traditional movement-based yoga practice exploring both sun and moon salutations and their variations as well as creative movement infused in these traditional standard flow sequences.
*Hot Vinyasa takes place in the Hot Box @ YE - the room is heated to 90+ degrees for a cleansing
Yoga for Joint Health- Pavanmuktasana
This beginner friendly is for anyone concerned with overall joint health, flexibility, mobility, and strength. Based on Mukunda Stiles’ Structural Yoga Therapy Program. Sue Nesler was certified by Mukunda himself before his death and is the only person in the region to teach this integral therapeutic series. Designed around the 45 specific possible body movements as outlined in the science of kinesiology, this class has many therapeutic benefits.
Yoga for Back Care
Held in the Hot Box for use of the yoga rope walls, this class spends half the time on the mat and the other half utilizing the ropes and slings. Target the back through whole-body connections and the assistance of the wall. Beginners and All Levels
Moon Flow
Complimentary to the Sun Salutation, this flow includes slow, cooling movements and lots of hip openers.
Sound & Stretch
This beginner friendly class honors inner sensation and silence followed by deep Relaxation through Healing Sounds, We begin class with traditional Yin postures offering internal reflection and stillness. The last 30 minutes of class is dedicated to a Sound Bath where you can experience deep internal peace and ease with the help of Gongs, Crystal Bowls, Earthy Sounds, Chimes, and more.
Meditation (Mantra/Intraspiritual)
Finding common ground between wisdom traditions, world religions, and ancient spiritual paths inter-spirituality honors all unique paths to God. Fully respecting our differences while learning philosophy of guidance and discernment so that we may be more present, taking that out to the world.
Warm Pranayama
In this class we explore different Yogic Breathwork as well as ancient Kundalini practices. This practice is all about connecting to vital Life Force and "clearing out" mentally, physically, and energetically through the healing power of your Breath. Perfect for those wanting to deepen their knowledge of Pranayama and feel great afterwards!
*Warm Pranayama is also available in the Hot Box @ YE - the room is heated to 80+ degrees for a cleansing experience.
Restorative Yoga
This is a slow-paced class with each position carefully cultivated and propped to be safely held for several minutes. These poses help restore the central nervous system, intercept the stress response, and incorporate stretching and breathing (Pranayama). Our restorative teachers have all studied with and been certified by Judith Hanson Lasater.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and MBSR Express!
Mindfulness meditation practices have been clinically shown to reduce both acute stress as well as daily stressors of life. Developed and researched by Jon Kabat-Zinn since 1979, this important series, conducted in 8-week cycles covers grounding techniques, mindful eating, body scanning, and other implemented tools for daily living. Come join us for this important life skills journey!
Somatic Synergy
This is a gentle yoga class specifically designed for trauma. Licensed Professional Counselor and Yoga Therapist Sue Nesler uses best practices and research to promote limbic system re-regulation and health as well as parasympathetic tone. Movement, breathing, tapping, and progressive muscle relaxation are some of the techniques used and taught in this class.
Surya Namaskar
The Eastern practice of movement in yoga in the tradition of Maharishi Patanjali. Different from contemporary “flow,” we dive into this moving mantra meditation for serenity and strength honoring all parts of the self. Good physical health recommended.
Beginner Yoga
Join the instructor on a journey of beginnings through the 8 limbs of yoga, with a focus on asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing) to learn more about yoga and it’s benefits. If it’s your first class or you’ve taken some time off, a wonderful way to immerse yourself into the practices in a practical way.
Tai Chi
Learn this ancient practice which can help with balance, posture, strength, endurance and flexibility.
Qi Gong
(Pronounced Chee-Gung) is a moving meditation practice based in traditional martial arts and Chinese tradition that helps to balance and relax the body and mind. Appropriate for mat and chair. All levels.
See our class schedule to register.