300 Hour
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Program

We are always accepting applications for the upcoming 300 Hour A-YTT Cohort.
Your Lead Trainers

Sue (Greenwood) Nesler
M.S., M.A., E-RYT 500,
I am very passionate about yoga education and the incorportion of ancient yoga traditions and current best practices in yoga, yoga therapy, and meditation. I enjoy diving into research and incorporating new and updated techniques into our continuously growing YTT programs. I strive to instruct from but gross and subtle body anatomy and physiology and ensure students obtain an individualized experienced based on their own goals and needs.

I’m happy to be teaching in the advanced yoga teacher training program this year. Teaching yoga is a constant learning process. No matter how far you have traveled on the path, there is always more to discover in yoga. Please join us to begin the next part of the journey.
Judy Grier
RN, LMT, E-RYT 500
Program Description:
Welcome to the Yoga East Healing Arts Studio 300 hour advanced yoga teacher training program (A-YTT). This program is for yoga students who have completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training (YTT) and have a minimum of one year of regular yoga practice. If you are a dedicated yoga practitioner and teacher interested in expanding your own personal practice, focus, and teaching we welcome you to deepen your teaching and your yoga path with this program.
This program is 15 months long and begins in August of even numbered years. Below you will find a brief summary of all course requirements for your A-YTT. Please be certain you are clear on course program requirements and expectations prior to completing your registration into the program. Yoga East's 300 hour A-YTT program exceeds the minimum standards set by the Yoga Alliance to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) at the 500 hour level (200 YTT, 300 A-YTT).
Course Content:
The course includes a 2 day-long initial intensive, 6 CORE weekend intensives as well as 7 immersion weekends selected based on group needs and interests to assist you in tailoring a program that meets your specific goals. You will also be required to meet individually with instructors regarding your work. Lastly, you will also be required to complete assigned reading, homework, and class participation/observation hour requirements, and teaching requirements. This is a comprehensive program designed to give students an in-depth knowledge of yoga techniques, philosophy, anatomy and teaching methodology. Upon successful completion of the 300 hour course, students will be awarded a Certificate of Completion and will be eligible to register with The Yoga Alliance as a certified 500 hour yoga teacher.
Program Goals:
Our goal is to provide students with the ability to teach hatha yoga in an anatomically safe an energetically integrated manner to the general adult population, as well as special populations in classes and private settings. Our school curriculum is intended to certify participants
under the educational standards set forth by the National Yoga Alliance for approved registered yoga schools.
Competency Skills:
At the end of training, participants will have learned the following skills.
Teach a mixed-level hatha class to students with a variety of challenges and/or requirements.
Demonstrate and teach modifications for special populations outlines in the program (structutral, medical, pregnancy, cancer, etc.).
Demonstrate and teach intensifications for advanced students.
Develop advanced sequencing
Explain and provide instruction on various types of meditation and pranayama techniques.
Proficiently complete a formal and informal postural assessment.
Learn and teach yoga poses by anatomical focus.
Develop and teach advanced restorative and yin yoga classes and practices.
Create a successful, ethical yoga business from your own theoretical framework and focus.
Explore the intuitive teaching model as well as advanced class designs for different populations.
Express yourself using Non-violent Communication (NVC).
The 300 hour training is REQUIRED to:
Earn RYT-500 and E-RYT 500 vis Yoga Alliance through teaching and training
Earn C-IAYT through International Association of Yoga Therapists (other requirements needed)
Provide YACEP credentialed CEUs to yoga teachers through workshops and retreats.
Be a lead teacher in a YA credentialed YTT or A-YTT program.
Start a Yoga School certified through YA out of your current studio.
Program Involvement & Attendance:
We encourage all of our students to strive for 100% attendance. 95% attendance is required for contact hours and missed hours/ make up assignments must be completed prior to the start of the next weekend module unless other arrangements are made with the program director. In some instances additional fees may be incurred for tutoring hours on content by one of the A-YTT staff teachers.
Home work assignments must be complete and turned in on time and may consist of non contact hours.
Each student will be responsible for creating their own workbook manual that will be graded comprehensively at the end of the course. Materials will be given by instructors and all assignments and other written work is to be included in the journal.
Practice Teaching:
Yoga teacher trainees will be graded on a pass/fail basis for the observation assignments and practice/apprentice teaching. All practice teaching hours are mandatory and must be completed with passing grade. You will be required to practice outside of your training at Yoga East and journal reflectively and thoughtfully about this work.
300 Hour
Foundations of Yoga Therapeutics Program
Program Description:
Welcome to the Yoga East Healing Arts Studio 300 hour foundations of yoga therapeutics program (FYT). This program is for yoga students who have completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training (YTT) and also has a certification as a qualified health professional. If you are a dedicated yoga practitioner and teacher as well as a health and wellness practitioner, the IAYT-Q designation will allow you to utilize therapeutic yoga practices in your health and wellness practice. This program will build upon your current knowledge from a 200 hour program and weave therapeutic knowledge and traditions of yoga, Ayurveda, and tantra to support and be used in the QHP's primary healthcare setting. There will be 4 sections focusing on foundations, tools and assessment, physical and mental health considerations, and interventions for individuals and small therapeutic groups. The program will also address personal and professional development.
This program is 12-13 months long and begins in January of odd numbered years. Below you will find a brief summary of current information regarding the FYT program.
Meets: This program is 50/50 online and in person. 12.5 hours of coursework online (both synchronous and asynchronous) and 12.5 hours per month in person. Live meetings will take place on Monday nights at 5:30pm in person, and 12pm-1pm on Fridays over Zoom. There will also be some planned weekend meetings that will be announced later.
Cost: $4800 plus books and materials. 4 payment plans are available.
Application Deadline: application, admission, interview, and $750 non-refundable deposit are due by November 15th, 2024
** Information regarding the FYT program is pending designation from the International Association of Yoga Therapy
Contact us for Full Program Schedule Details.
Email yogaeast1@gmail.com to apply.